Almost Gastric Bypass: DAY 358, MONDAY, APR 18, 2011 PART 2
First visit to PCP â€" February 05, 2010. Reoccurring monthly PCP visits â€" March 2010-Februrary 2011. Sleep apnea test â€" February 24, 2010. Psych Eval. â€" May 05, 2010. Paperwork submitted to insurance â€" August 04, 2010 ... learn what it is to have the surgery, and eat as if you had the surgery for a month or two, or in this case, 15 months. It will help you, it is what you will live on forever, and it may enlighten you. Posted by AlmostGastricBypass at 4/18/2011 02:07:00 PM ...
three cups of tea â€" April 18, 2011 | Submit Digital
CNN: 2011-04-18T01:57:40Z - (CNN) -- Greg Mortenson, the high-profile advocate of girls' education in Afghanistan and Pakistan, has been forced to defend his best-selling book "Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Fight Terrorism and ...

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