Sherlock Holmes 2: Sherlock Fights a Mad Man
Here's a trailer for Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows, the sequel to the surprisingly entertaining 2009 Sherlock Holmes: Robert Downey Jr. Farts Around for Two Hours. It looks... the same! » Sneak Peek: 'Sherlock Holmes 2′, 'Mission ...
The sequel to Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes 2: A Game of Shadows movie is on the way, actually it doesn't open until Dec. 16…but this first trailer looks promising, if not much of the exact same steampunk chic as the ...
Sherlock Holmes 2 Trailer: For Such a Pretty Man, Robert Downey ...
Pajiba: Reviews, News, Quotes & Cultural Commentary.
'Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows' trailer: Watch it here | Inside ...
Every generation puts their own stamp on the legend of Sherlock Holmes, the Victorian-era detective with an encyclopedic knowledge of Victorian-era skullduggery and a casual preference for Victorian-era cocaine. ... Doyle's Holmes boxed, he shot holes in his wall, he had gunfights, he battled enemies to the death on top of waterfalls. meg. Wed 07/13/11 2:58 PM. Actually, Sherlock in drag is very faithful to the originals, as he never had qualms about ...

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